Get your cause seen, heard and supported with expert advocacy and government engagement support.

Get more than an introduction. Banksia Strategic Partners offers end-to-end advocacy, government engagement, and lobbying support that has been proven to successfully gain backing and action from government representatives for positive social impact projects.

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Don’t leave advocacy up to chance

Gaining public government support for a cause, project, or decision is not easy. It requires careful strategic planning, targeted and persuasive communication, and network building to have a chance at success. 

For businesses that don’t have internal expertise and existing networks, it can be incredibly hard just to get a foot in the door.  

Banksia empowers organisations with a positive social impact agenda to successfully achieve government action, backing, or buy-in by leveraging our vast experience in strategic communications and campaigning to help deliver the right message to the right person at the right time.

End-to-end advocacy and government engagement support

Define objectives

We’ll start by helping you refine a highly targeted objective and the desired outcome.

Assess current landscape

We’ll assess the broader political sentiment and landscape, as well as the views and priorities of the individual representatives you’d like to engage.

Tailor an approach

We’ll help articulate the problem you want to present, the proposed solution and why the rep should care. We’ll also pull together key collateral to support your case.

Engage our network

We’ll engage our extensive network of government representatives and advisors to get you in front of the right people.

Train your team

We’ll coach your spokesperson to deliver the pitch persuasively and confidently, as well as attend the meeting for support.

Post-meeting support

We’ll continue to be available to  complete all necessary follow-up to ensure the outcome that we set at the start.

We’ll provide more than just an introduction. We’ll help you plan, prepare, deliver and drive home your message to the people that matter.

A winning formula for dozens of organisations

From major private companies to Not-for-Profits, we’ve successfully helped organisations who have a positive social impact agenda win government buy-in on a range of causes.

save social work

Save Social Work Australia

Successful in reversing the government’s decision to defund social work degrees and advocate for an increase in funding.

Rethink Addiction

Rethink Addiction

Secured Federal support and 
5-figure funding for addiction support and awareness.



Engagement of 96 local councils and state road authorities across Australia to help build a coalition of support for a Telstra community project.

Expertise you can rely on

The Banksia team has over a decade of experience in campaign and advocacy work and is largely made up of former political advisors. Having been on the other side of the desk, we know which strategies do and do not work and what it takes to move decision-makers to action.

Our government relations strategy is informed by our first-hand experience and industry best practices in the space. 

The Banksia team are registered lobbyists in all Australian states and territories and are recognised by the Australian Federal Government
as a registered organisation bound by the Lobbying Code of Conduct.

The support you need to gain the
support you want

Share your objectives and goals with the Banksia team and we’ll discuss how we
can help you meet them through our end-to-end lobbying and advocacy support.

Book a confidential conversation